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How truly wonderful and delightful it is to see brothers and sisters living together in sweet unity!  Psalm 133:1 TPT

We recently had the delightful pleasure of experiencing sweet unity with Cambodia when Mission Dove Director Sarady spent nearly three weeks with us. 

Impacted by Sarady's Presence:  Guided by the grace of the Holy Spirit, Sarady touched many lives and profoundly impacted our church community. Her visit was filled with powerful testimonies of faith, strength, and transformative change.

Sarady’s presence bridged the gap between our cultures, showing us that we are all part of the Body of Christ. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are united!  Despite cultural differences, languages, and distant locations, we share a common love for our Lord: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are called to care for each other and embody Christ's love in, through, and among us.

A Transformative Visit: During her time with us, Sarady shared her inspiring journey at various events, including church retreats, the mom’s group, services at Tenth Church, Business is Mission events, and JustBags.  As a female leader, Sarady works to create spaces for women and children, fighting oppression and advocating for justice in Cambodia. We certainly know that God has placed her in Cambodia for such a time as this. Her visit to our community has blessed us and given us a new perspective of God’s global work.

Bridging Cultures and Building Community:  A memorable moment of her visit was when Sarady and many from our community cooked Cambodian curry together.  More than 120 church members experienced this memorable time together at our Mount Pleasant site, hearing more about Sarady’s story of transformation in Cambodia over delicious curry. The room was filled with enjoyment and curiosity about Cambodia and global missions. A huge thanks to all who contributed to making this event happen!

Moving Forward Together: Let us continue to support our international partners, pray for their missions, and seek ways to make a difference both locally and globally. Together, and through His power, we can bring transformative change to our societies, communities, and nations.

Call to Action: If you feel called to participate in missions or have the longing of knowing what missions is about, please contact us at [email protected] or [email protected] for further involvement. Your support can significantly impact continuing God’s work here in Vancouver, Cambodia, and around the nations.

You are also welcome to subscribe to our newsletter at or purchase JUSTBAGS items to keep supporting Global Missions.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of love and justice. Let us remain inspired by Sarady’s story of faith and perseverance and united in our mission.  

May God continue to bless the work of your hands,

Ana Velazquez
Tenth Global

Picture:  Sarady and Ana together during Sarady's visit to Vancouver

PS Check out the latest blog post from Mission Dove here