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Parenting is one of the most challenging roles in today's world and it's exponentially harder as a single parent. Our group is a safe place for those raising children on their own.

We meet in-person on the first and third Fridays of each month in the Lounge from 6:30pm - 9:00pm. Dinner and childcare is provided and available. If you plan to come for dinner or need childcare, please email [email protected] by the Wednesday before each meeting so we can make the proper arrangements.

In addition, we will also meet on Zoom on the fifth Friday of the month (only occuring Sept, Dec, March, May) from 7:30pm - 9:00pm. Please email [email protected] for the zoom link.

This year, we will be studying the Lord's Prayer, how it applies to our home situations, our parenting, and our personal lives.  

2024 meeting schedule: 

Sept. 20th

Oct. 4th and 18th

Nov. 1st and 15th  (online Nov. 29th)

Dec. 6th (Christmas social)

Jan 3rd and 17th (online Jan. 31)

Feb. 7th and 21st

March 7th and 21st  (Spring break)

April 4th and 18th (Good Friday)

May 2nd and 16th (online May 30th)

June 6th *Year End Potluck Social - Family & Friends invited