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At Tenth, we believe in the transformative power of education—both spiritually and practically. Our partnerships with Manna4Life and Mango Tree Education Fund exemplify this commitment, as we work together to bring hope and opportunity to communities in Cambodia through education.

The Heart of Manna4Life

Manna4Life is dedicated to serving the marginalized and vulnerable in Cambodia. Their mission is simple yet profound: to empower individuals and communities through education, life skills, and vocational training. By addressing both immediate needs and long-term development, Manna4Life is creating lasting change in the lives of those they serve.

For the past 10 years, our very own Kevin and Leakhena Knight have poured their hearts into children, youth and families in Oudong Village, who were forcefully and unjustly evicted from their homes in the city.  

Mango Tree Education Fund: A Beacon of Hope

The Mango Tree Education Fund complements Manna4Life’s work by focusing on educational scholarships and support for students in Cambodia. This fund was established to provide children and young adults with the resources they need to attend school, complete their education, and pursue higher learning or vocational training. Through scholarships, school supplies, and mentoring, the Mango Tree Education Fund is helping to break the cycle of poverty and build a brighter future for the next generation.  Read a story of change.  

Education: A Pathway to Hope

In Cambodia, access to quality education is a critical issue, especially for those living in poverty. Many children are unable to attend school due to financial constraints, family responsibilities, or the need to work. Manna4Life’s educational programs aim to break this cycle by providing the necessary resources and support for children who might otherwise be left behind.

But the impact goes beyond academics. Manna4Life also focuses on life skills and vocational training, ensuring that students not only receive an education but also gain the tools they need to thrive in their communities. Whether it’s learning a trade, developing entrepreneurial skills, or receiving mentorship, students are equipped to build a better future for themselves and their families.

Tenth Church’s Role

Since it began, Tenth has been proud to partner with Kevin, Leakhena and Manna4Life in their vital community development work. Our involvement includes financial support, volunteer engagement, and prayer.

This October, a team from Tenth will travel to Cambodia as part of another Justice Journey.  Kevin and Leakhena will again help take care of us behind the scenes.  

How You Can Get Involved

Education is a collective effort, and we invite you to join us in this mission. Here’s how you can get involved:

Pray: Keep Manna4Life / Mango Tree Education Fund, the students, and the Tenth team in your prayers as we work together to bring hope through education.
Donate: Consider giving to Tenth Church’s Global Missions Fund, which directly supports our partnerships with Manna4Life.
Volunteer: If you’re passionate about education and missions, consider joining one of our future Justice Journeys or getting involved with local educational initiatives.

Together, we are sowing seeds of hope that will bear fruit for generations to come.