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It was so great to kick off CREO this past Sunday! I enjoyed meeting some of you for the first time and take the first step of this school year together!

CREO runs at our sites on Sundays, however, on Fridays, all of our sites gather together at our Mt. Pleasant location (11 W 10 Ave.) and spend time growing in community and our faith journeys.

Our Kick-Off is THIS Friday (September 13th) from 7-9 PM.

While we're enjoying our time together, parents are welcome to stay with Pastor Aisling, our Family Life Pastor, who will be hosting Parent Connect. This is a time for parents of teens to link arms in our work of raising a generation to become lifelong followers of Jesus.

We understand transportation across the city can pose a challenge to some of us. If you'd like to join but aren't sure how to get there reliably, please reach out! We'd love to try and help by arranging a carpool or some other creative options.

You can get a head start now by registering your family for the year:

All teenagers from Grades 6-12 are more than welcome. We're looking forward to kicking our year off together!!