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In the fight against human trafficking and exploitation, few initiatives embody passion and dedication as profoundly as Extreme Love Cambodia. Led by Zak and his wife Andrea (CEO), this organization is on a mission to transform lives and communities through love, compassion, and practical support. Sent from Tenth Church, Zak is making significant strides in creating lasting change in one of Southeast Asia’s most vulnerable regions.

The Vision of Extreme Love Cambodia
Extreme Love Cambodia is committed to combating human trafficking, providing holistic care to survivors, and fostering sustainable community development. Their focus areas include:

  1. Rescue and Rehabilitation: Actively rescuing victims of human trafficking and providing comprehensive rehabilitation services, including medical care, counseling, and vocational training.
  2. Prevention and Education: Conducting community outreach programs to educate at-risk populations about the dangers of trafficking and how to protect themselves.
  3. Empowerment and Sustainability: Empowering survivors through education and job training, enabling them to build independent and sustainable futures.
  4. Community Development: Implementing projects that address the root causes of trafficking, such as poverty and lack of education.
  5. Intervention and Rescue: Partnering with government and police, conducting risk assessments of high risk individuals and families leading to interception of at risk individuals and rescues of trafficked or exploited persons.

Zak and Andrea's vision is rooted in the belief that love can transform even the most challenging circumstances. Their leadership has been instrumental in advancing the organization’s mission, creating a ripple effect of positive change throughout Cambodia.

I, Patrick, had the privilege of being in the home of Zak and Andrea, along with their adopted son, during my recent visit to Cambodia. I continue to marvel at how Extreme Love stands for justice while providing tangible hope for exploited children and families.

The Impact of the Partnership
By partnering with Zak, we stand alongside him, Andrea, and their team in the fight against human trafficking, bringing sustainable futures to at-risk communities.

Stories of Hope

  1. Lina’s Liberation: Lina, a young woman rescued from trafficking, received medical care, counseling, and vocational training through Extreme Love Cambodia. She now works as a skilled artisan and advocates for other survivors.
  2. Community Empowerment: A village once prone to trafficking has seen a dramatic reduction in cases thanks to preventive education and economic development projects implemented by Extreme Love Cambodia.

Please pray regularly for Zak, Andrea, and the work of Extreme Love. Stay tuned for a dedicated prayer time for Zak and Andrea this fall. Learn more about what Extreme Love does in Cambodia and how you can support them. 

Tenth Church stands with over 20 global workers like Zak, who serve God through love and sacrifice, supporting local leaders in their efforts to build God’s kingdom.

Thank you for continuing to stand, pray, and support our Global Workers!