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Tenth Church will be leading two Justice Journeys to Rancho El Camino in La Paz, Mexico, in early 2025, and registration is now open!

If you’re interested in joining us:

  1. Learn more: Explore details about the February Journey here and the March Journey here.
  2. Q&A Session: If you have questions, join me on Zoom for a Mexico Q&A on Tuesday, September 3rd, to learn more about this opportunity.
    • Zoom Link: Join here
    • Meeting ID: 824 9860 1253
    • Passcode: 318065
  3. Preparation: Please read all the provided information before attending the Zoom call.
  4. Apply: If you’d like to participate, fill out this form, and I’ll send you the application link.

Patrick Elaschuk | Global Missions Pastor