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—Martin Luther King Jr., civil rights activist and clergyman

"You are to lead by a different model. If you want to be the greatest, then live as one called to serve others. The path to promotion comes by having the heart of a bond-slave who serves everyone."
—Jesus, Mark 10:43-44

Every year on August 19, World Humanitarian Day is observed—a time to honor the selfless dedication of those who tirelessly work to alleviate suffering and bring hope to the world’s most vulnerable populations. This day holds special significance for us at Tenth, as it resonates deeply with our mission to embody the love of Christ through acts of compassion and justice, both locally and globally.

The Heart of Kingdom Humanitarianism: Being a Global Servant Citizen for the Kingdom of God
Christian humanitarian work is a call to action. Our faith compels us to stand with those who are hurting, marginalized, and in need, both in our local communities and around the world. Tenth Global’s partnerships are an expression of this commitment, as we work hand in hand with local and global leaders to make all things new in Christ.

How We Can Make a Difference Together.  World Humanitarian Day is not just a time to acknowledge the efforts of others—it’s a call for each of us to consider how we can contribute to the global humanitarian cause.

Join Us. We believe everyone has a role to play, whether through prayer, financial support, active participation in local and global initiatives or Justice Journeys.

Pray with Us. Lift up our global partners, the communities they serve, and the many individuals working on the front lines of humanitarian crises.

Give with Us. If you haven't given to Global recently, consider making a monthly financial contribution to Tenth Church’s Global Mission Fund. Your support directly impacts lives in more than 20 countries.

Go with Us. If you feel called to take action, explore opportunities to join one of our upcoming Justice Journeys. There’s no better way to experience the power of humanitarian work than by serving on the ground with our global partners.

Reflecting God’s Love on World Humanitarian Day
As we observe World Humanitarian Day, let us remember that our efforts, big or small, are part of a larger tapestry of compassion that God is weaving across the globe. Together, we can be the hands and feet of Christ, bringing light to dark places and hope to dire situations.

First Names of our Global Partners: Peter, David, Joanna, Alan, Chris, Brian, Lynn, Tancho, Linda, Tanya, Craig & Nay, Raju, Kevin & Leakhena, Shaun & Esther, Jennifer & Steve, Seila, Makara,  Zak & Andrea, Nabil & Marian, Zulfe, Joze & Jocelyn, Bear & Vanessa, Rhonda, Brent and Rianne, Darren & Minako, Carol & Kevin, Chanol, Solida, Sarady, Daroth, Phearom, Dany, Joseph, Pete & Emily, Mart-Jan & Talitha

Learn More.  Learn more about Tenth Church’s global missions and how you can get involved.

Picture above is from the 5th Anniversary of Shalom Valley with Alongsiders - a global movement with 60,000+ young Kingdom Humanitarians.