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What does a Justice Journey look like?

  • A Justice Journey is a short-term intentional missional experience that supports Tenth Church’s strategic long-term partners.
  • Our vision for Justice Journeys is that everyone participating will grow deeper in their relationship with God as they step out of their comfort zones, use their skills effectively and depend on God and others in new ways.
  • Out of this experience, they will increasingly live their lives doing justice and loving mercy as they walk humbly with God.

Cambodia | October 2024  I  Entrepreneurial Leaders / Spiritual Formation

  • Empowering national leaders with business coaching, tools and community.

2025 Cambodia Justice Journey

Cambodia - October 31 to November 16, 2025 : Focus on Retreats and Spiritual Formation

Pray and discern about joining the team - contact [email protected] before making your application.  

More Info:

  • Cambodia Justice Journey facilitated by Hungry for Life - see info sheet here. 
  • Read about the experiences of different Justice Journey participants here
  • Interested to learn more about Tenth Global and our upcoming Justice Journeys to Mexico? Click here 
  • Questions? Email [email protected]