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While we might have mixed emotions about school starting, we can all be excited for our CREO Kick-Off on Friday, September 13th, from 7 to 9 PM at our Mt. Pleasant Site!

Fridays are our opportunity for all sites to gather together and spend time growing in community and in students' faith journeys.

You can get a head start now by registering your family for the year:

All teenagers from Grades 6-12 are more than welcome. We're looking forward to kicking our year off together.


CREO Sundays are also returning in full force at our Mt. Pleasant, East Van, West Side, & UBC Sites this coming Sunday (September 8th)! 

Sundays are an opportunity while service is happening to have space to ask questions and gather with other students to learn about the word and Jesus.

Beginning this Sunday, all students attending CREO must sign in before the service begins. Keep an eye out for communication from your Site's point Youth Leader for details on what this will look like for your context.

Grateful to serve the teenagers of our city with YOU! Here's to a great school year!