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Global prayer with partners of Tenth

Be part of a global prayer time on Zoom early in the morning to accommodate our partners in Africa, Europe and the Middle East. 

Through the gift of technology, we can now meet with our partners and missionaries around the world to pray with them in real-time.

To be a part of our next global prayer time and to get the Zoom link, please register at the link below.

A Zoom link will be sent to you after registering and before the prayer event. 

If you have any scriptures or insights for this prayer time, please type them into the chatbox on the Zoom call.  

Make your ways known upon earth, Lord God, your saving power among all peoples. Renew your Church in holiness and help us to serve you with joy. Guide the leaders of all nations that justice may prevail throughout the world. Let not the needy be forgotten, nor the hope of the poor be taken away. Make us instruments of your peace and let your glory be over all the earth. Amen.

Take some time to pray for yourself and others.  Let the Spirit lead you and guide you as you pray. From Our Common Prayer.

Global Team


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