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Regent College is a graduate school of theology located on the UBC campus. Regent students are in desperate need of high quality and affordable housing to continue in their calling to study theology and serve the body of Christ. If you have a rental suite, or know someone who does, will you consider advertising it to Regent students? Visit to sign up. 

Landlords who post their spaces through Regent's site get immediate access to a pool of excellent tenants. They also get a chance to improve theology students' living conditions while also contributing to Regent's mission of serving the church and the world. Homeowners who are able to offer rental space at below-market prices can make an especially profound difference for students.

Great for Landlords

"I have rented a suite in my home to Regent students for 43 years! Without fail they have been courteous, quiet, responsible, and paid the rent on time."
—Thena Ayres

Great for Students

"I've talked to so many students who experience housing as a huge source of stress. The opportunity to rent from someone in the Regent community can be such a relief and blessing for our students."
—Claire Perini, Associate Dean of Students