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Our babies and toddlers are learning all about how “Jesus Loved the Little Children”, while we continue to learn about Abraham and Isaac in “Abraham’s Big Test” with our preschool and kindergarteners. Take a look at how you can reinforce what they’re learning in your own homes:  

OCTOBER 23 & 30

Babies and Toddlers (6 months-2 Years Old)
We continued our lesson about how Jesus Loved the Little Children. It’s important at this age that they hear the words that “Jesus loves them”. Here’s what something you can do at home:

  • SHOW them a mirror and tell them that Jesus loves them. You can name certain things such as their hair, nose, eyes, and other things that Jesus loves about them.
  • SING Jesus Loves Me to them or with them to remind them that Jesus loves everyone, including them.
  • PLAY with little people figures or dolls and use phrases such as “Jesus loves all of us and our friends” and “Jesus loves mommy and daddy and you”.

Preschool (3-5 Years Old)
As we talked about “Abraham’s Big Test”, we started talking about trust and sacrifice. This Sunday, we did an exercise that involved trusting the teacher with what they. We are still on Abraham right now on the Bible Timeline. Here are some things you can do or talk about to help:

  • ASK them what the memory verse is this month? (Answer: “I trust in you Lord; I say You are my God” – Psalm 31:14)
  • DISCUSS about how God sent Jesus in our place as a sacrifice just like how God sent a ram in place of Isaac as a sacrifice.
  • WATCH “Abraham’s Big Test” on the Bible App for Kids.  

As we wrap up our month with Abraham’s Big Test, we want to make sure parents are talking about how God would never want to hurt us and that we can always trust God.  He made the ultimate sacrifice by sending His son, Jesus, to take our place on the cross.

Next month, we will be learning about Samuel in “A Voice in the Night” and how prayer and listening to God is very important and that sometimes God talks to us in unexpected and surprising ways. Our babies and toddlers will be learning about how “God Gives Me Food” and that He is the creator of all things.

Laurence Vicencio
Pastor of Preschool Ministries, Mount Pleasant