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In the three times I've asked students what things I can pray for this week, they've all prayed that the end of the school year comes fast.

Honestly, I felt like it already has been!

As we head into the summer, here are some key Fridays I'd love you to keep in mind!

June 7th - Our last Split Night of the Year (7-9 PM). Grade 8 students will join in with our Grade 9-12s as they begin the transition!

June 14th - BBQ Party (6-9 PM)! Students AND parents are welcome to join at 6 PM for a BBQ and to celebrate all this year has brought. Following some eating and playing, our students will head into the rest of the night while Pastor Aisling will create space for one more Parent Connect together.

June 21st - Crew Night. Rather than gathering all together at our Mt. Pleasant site, our small groups will be meeting on their own for one last "hurrah" before the end of the year. Parents, please keep an eye out for any information from your teenager's leaders on information!

Following this, we will be meeting periodically over the summer to check in and connect. We're looking forward to seeing you on July 12th & 26, and August 9th & 23rd, especially our new friends who have just finished Grade 5!

Our Sunday CREO experiences will carry on throughout the summer. Please check with your Site's Youth Director for more information!

So glad we get to spend the summer with you!


As we enter the beginning of June, many of us at Tenth are participating in meaningful and personal ways to honour the life of Evan Cheung. To many of us, he was a friend, a partner in ministry, and a brother in Christ. Loss by suicide is complex and painful. We truly want to remember his life even as we experience a mix of emotions. 

As we’ve prayerfully considered this season of remembrance, we want to encourage our community to pay attention to what each of us most needs to do both individually and collectively. 

Along with the many sharing circles that will organically take place, in various contexts across the city and the world, we will make a room available this Wednesday, June 5th at 9am and 1pm in the Lower East Hall at our Mt. Pleasant site. This is a drop-in option. Some will share a story or memory. Some will stay quiet and pray. Others may decide to not attend. There is no expectation for what you need.

While we believe that forcing a programmed moment that some students may either not need or be ready for wouldn't serve our group well, we will make a point this coming Friday to remind those gathered that there are people (adults and fellow teenagers alike!) that CREO is one space available to them to process whatever they might need.

Praying for all of us as we head into this week.

CREO is all about creating spaces for students to discover Christ in belonging, identity, and purpose. Follow @creoyouth on Instagram or visit for updates.