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It has been a beautiful season of seeing God’s kingdom advance through our global partners. What makes Tenth’s global mission strategy a bit unique is the quality and strategy of our partnerships. 

"Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow." – Isaiah 1:17

Contextualizing Isaiah 1:17 to what Tenth Global is all about  Learning – Advocating – Practicing Love and Justice. 

Love and Justice Course

  • 12-session course: Created and facilitated by Spiritual Formation Pastor, Jeff Hawker and International Missions Pastor, Patrick Elaschuk, this course educated the Tenth community on the basics of seeking justice within the context of spiritual formation. It provided practical on-ramps to encountering Christ through both local and global ministries.


  • Ethically sourced, carefully curated, and lovingly created: JustBags offers handmade/fair trade products, providing a way for hundreds of Tenth members to support Global Missions. These purchases give dignity, hope, and income to partners in Cambodia, Sierra Leone, and Vancouver, including artisans from our refugee community. Designer Ana Velazquez is the driving force behind JustBags. What makes JustBags truly transformational is the sense of community that forms when artisans and volunteers come together to work, laugh, share meals, and serve.

Cambodia Highlights – Our Central Global Focus

  • Alongsiders Chapel: Funded and built at Shalom Valley through a donor connected via a Justice Journey. The chapel will generate revenue (weddings) and serve as a sacred space. 
  • Visit of Sarady, Dove Director: Sarady visited Vancouver for three weeks, engaging with various Tenth sites, sharing with Momentum and CREO, speaking at Weekend Away (WE) events in East Van/Evening, and participating at Mount Pleasant and WestSide WE.
  • Cambodia Video Series: A four-part series was created to share the Cambodia story across all Tenth sites.
  • VillageWorks Expansion: Supported VillageWorks in expanding their production and housing, which includes a retail showroom, workshop space, and accessible living spaces for 12 staff with disabilities.
  • Cambodia Partner Visit: Patrick Elaschuk, Pastor of International Missions made a partner visit in August where he helped partners with upcoming plans, provided pastoral care, helped onboard VillageWorks as an official partner with Hungry for Life and brought partners together for collaboration.  Makara our Tenth Liaison did a fantastic job of facilitating this visit.

Cambodia Justice Journey – November 2023

  • Represented Tenth at Alongsiders International’s 10-year anniversary as a lead partner.
  • Mobilized skills and talents to support VillageWorks operations, marketing, and planning.
  • Facilitated a partner dinner and dedicated a bungalow at Shalom Valley in honor of former Mission Pastor, Linda Gotts.
  • Hosted a 1-day Entrepreneurial Summit and a 2-day Leadership Training with Alongsiders and key allies.
  • Partner visits to Manna4Life, Dove, Extreme Love, Alongsiders, and Precious Women.

Mexico Justice Journey – February 2024

  • The first Mexico Justice Journey since COVID was a success, integrating spiritual formation curriculum with the ranch rhythm of life at Rancho El Camino.  Spiritual Directors, Mark and Petra Anderson did a powerful job of facilitating spiritual formation with the team.  
  • Created pathways for Family Ministries and Life Groups to empower and send their people.
  • Helped design and build an on-site café at Rancho El Camino for income generation.

Global Events

  • Events featuring Tenth’s global partners and projects: Taste of Cambodia, Taste of Mexico, film nights, Just58, Business as Mission conferences/lunches, and Faith & Work Breakfasts.
  • Regular prayer gatherings for Cambodia, Mexico, and our global partners.

Global Refugees and Global Partnerships – Strategic and Long-Term

  • Partnerships include the Free Evangelical Association of Lebanon, Hungry For Life, and Hectares of Hope.

Global Workers (Missionaries) in Cambodia, Mexico, and 9 Other Countries

  • Workers include Steve and Jennifer Ney in Sierra Leone, Kevin and Leakhena Knight with Manna4Life Cambodia, Zak and Andrea Koftinoff with Extreme Love (anti-trafficking) in Cambodia, and David Gotts with International China Concern among many others including global workers in Canada.

Global Advance Fund – Christian and Missionary Alliance Projects and Global Workers

  • Supporting workers like Ben and Rachel in Iraq and Rhonda Wilson serving in Southern Thailand.

Transition of Refugee Support

  • The transition of Refugee Support from Global to Local, with the hiring of a Refugee Support Manager – Helen Kim, has been seamless. This shift has freed more capacity for Patrick to fulfill our global vision. Helen is doing a fabulous job managing the team that walks alongside refugee newcomers to Canada.

Upcoming Prayer Items

  • Preparation:  Cambodia Justice Journey has 18 participants serving on 2 tracks: Redemptive Entrepreneurship and VillageWorks capacity building. 
  • Discernment: Participants’ discernment for the February and March Justice Journeys to Mexico and the November 2025 Justice Journey to Cambodia.
  • Three-Year Plans: Rolling out three-year plans for five partners in Cambodia and one partner in Mexico, with a goal of increasing sustainability.

With gratitude, For Jesus,

Patrick Elaschuk

Pastor of International Missions

NOTE: The heart picture above is from a rice field just east of Shalom Valley near Kep Cambodia