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At Tenth, we believe that peace is not merely the absence of conflict, but the presence of justice, reconciliation, and human flourishing. Every year, on the Sunday closest to the International Day of Peace (September 21), churches around the world reflect on our shared calling to be peacemakers in a world yearning for healing.

A recent World Bank report highlights a sobering reality: approximately 60% of the world's poorest populations live in countries affected by fragility, conflict, and violence. This stark statistic calls us to act.

Living Out Our Calling for Peace

From local outreach to global partnerships, Tenth Church is committed to working alongside organizations that embody the transformative power of peace. Whether in Vancouver, Cambodia, Mexico, or the Philippines, our partners share a deep commitment to addressing the root causes of conflict—poverty, inequality, and exploitation.

In Cambodia, our partner Raju tirelessly works to live out and teach the principles of peace to Cambodian leaders and influencers. His efforts are aimed at ensuring that peace is not just momentary but sustainable, breaking cycles of vulnerability and equipping individuals with the tools they need to thrive. Read more about Raju's work 

In Mexico, Rancho El Camino builds peace through holistic community development, while our partnership with World Vision in countries like Afghanistan, Honduras, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo focuses on justice, development, and education in regions devastated by conflict.

A Deeper Vision of Peace

The words of Jesus in Matthew 5:9, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God,” serve as a guiding light for our mission. Peace is not passive; it is an active, bold, and intentional journey of reconciliation and justice. At Tenth, we are committed to fostering peace that transforms lives, whether it be through supporting local communities or engaging in international initiatives.

On this International Day of Peace, we are reminded that true peace begins in our hearts and radiates outward. Every act of compassion, every commitment to justice, and every partnership brings us one step closer to God’s vision of a reconciled, flourishing world.

How You Can Take Action

  1. Pray for Peace: Join us in lifting up prayers for Raju, Rancho El Camino, World Vision, and other partners who work in areas of conflict and violence.
  2. Support Our Global Partners: Consider how you can engage with or support the ongoing peacebuilding efforts of our partners in Cambodia, Mexico, and beyond.
  3. Be a Peacemaker: Reflect on how you can contribute to peace within your own life and community, fostering relationships and initiatives that promote justice and reconciliation.

May you experience the blessings of Shalom as we work together toward a more peaceful world.

NOTE: Both pictures above are from Shalom Valley in Kep, Cambodia.  The Khmer writing in the first picture says Shalom Valley.