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When people choose to follow Christ, we encourage them to respond to God's call to be baptized. Aas they are immersed in water, this signifies their identification with Jesus' death and resurrection.

Rise and be baptized. 

Acts 22:16 

Baptism is a significant, joyful step in the journey of faith. It represents a public declaration of belief and trust in Jesus Christ and a commitment to follow Him as a disciple. This act of baptism, marked by water immersion, signifies a profound transformation—dying to the old self and being made alive in Christ.  

It is a powerful sign of a new beginning; a fresh start filled with hope and celebration. Romans 6:4 captures this beautifully: "We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life." 

As a community, we come together to witness and share in the beauty of a life renewed by God, supporting and rejoicing with those being baptized.