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Justice Journeys

Justice Journeys are short-term mission experiences designed to support our long-term partners. We focus on two locations: Mexico and Cambodia. 

Our vision is that Justice Journey participants will grow deeper in their relationship with God as they step out of their comfort zone to depend on Him and others in new ways. Through this experience, participants will learn to “act justly and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God.” (Micah 6:8) 

We are committed to reversing the power of Western privilege by encouraging asset-based, community development. We want to walk alongside local communities, fostering mutual respect and encouraging empowerment by working in genuine collaboration.

Upcoming Justice Journeys

Cambodia | October 18-November 3, 2024

Type of Justice Journey: Business as Mission
Cities: Phnom Penh, Kep   
Cost: app. $4125  
Registration: Closed 

Focus: Mobilizing Cambodian leaders to develop sustainable, redemptive enterprises in the context of following Jesus.  

Mexico | February 11-18, 2025 (TBC)

Type of Justice Journey: Business as Mission
City: La Paz, Mexico 
Cost: app $2200 
Registration: opens July 1, 2024 

Focus: Supporting Racho El Camino through sustainable enterprises.

Mexico | March 17-24, 2025 (TBC)

Type of Justice Journey: Spiritual Formation
City: La Paz, Mexico 
Cost: app $2200 
Registration: opens July 1, 2024 

Focus: Supporting Racho El Camino’s Rhythm of Life, cultivating spiritual formation with families. 

Cambodia | October 31-November 15, 2025

Type of Justice Journey: Spiritual Formation
Cities: Phnom Penh, Kep
Cost: app. $4125  
Registration: TBA

Focus: Bringing strategic leaders and their families together for emotionally healthy discipleship.   

*Optional Add-On: November 16-19, 2025, Siem Reap

Types of Justice Journeys

Spiritual Formation  

Spiritual formation that helps participants cultivate resilience, love, and justice.   

Partner/leadership retreats. Family retreats.  

Business as Mission   

Redemptive entrepreneurship resources curated by Kaleo Labs and Praxis that help entrepreneurial leaders develop business tools, coaching, and strategies.  

Business as Mission retreats. Entrepreneurial ventures. 

Next Steps: 

Before applying, we encourage you to PRAY. Ask God to help you discern whether to participate in a Justice Journey. Invite those close to you to pray as well. Once your application is filled out and submitted with your deposit, our team will begin processing it. Kindly await further information regarding our mandatory training that helps ensure we are practically, relationally, and spiritually prepared to serve others well.  

If you have questions or would like to register for an upcoming Justice journey, please email [email protected]