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Courses & Events

Our courses and events fit into three stages of transformation. Starting is for those who are exploring Christianity, or are new to faith. Growing is for people who are seeking to deepen their relationship with God. Maturing is for participants who are responding to God with trust, surrender, and faithfulness.


Starting is when you are exploring Christianity, or you are new to faith.

Alpha Film Series | 10 weeks

An introduction to Christianity, providing an opportunity to explore questions about life and faith. 

Foundations | 6 weeks

An exploration of the basics of Christian beliefs and practices.

Roots | 5 weeks

Craft a rule of life, a rhythm of practices that supports your relationship with God, like a trellis that supports the growth of a grapevine.


Growing is when you are deepening your relationship with God.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality | 8 weeks

Develop a close relationship with Jesus by incorporating stillness, silence, and Scripture as daily life rhythms.

Emotionally Healthy Relationships | 8 weeks

Learn new language, tools, and strategies to grow in your relationships with family, friends, colleagues, etc.

Old Testament Overview | 10 weeks

An introduction to the story of God and his people and how this shapes our lives.

New Testament Overview | 10 weeks

An introduction to Jesus and the early church and how this shapes our lives.

Identity | 5 weeks

Discover what it means to be fully human and experience seeing yourself through God’s eyes.


Maturing is when you are responding to God with trust, surrender, and faithfulness.

Gifting & Calling | 5 weeks

Explore how you can play your God-given part to help the world flourish.

Discernment | 5 weeks

Become more attentive to God’s guiding presence in both your major decisions and daily life.

Soul Trios | Monthly

Trios consist of three people who meet monthly to help one another become more aware of God's activity and presence in their lives.


A workshop series that explores rhythms of life in order to love others and seek justice for all.  

Contemplative Prayer & Silent Retreats

Intentional opportunities for encountering God.