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Global Workers

Global Workers

Over the past 20 years, Tenth Church has focused on developing long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships with global organizations and workers who share our vision for international ministry. We are blessed to have the following ministry partners: 

Local Workers (Vancouver)  

  • Alan Lensink Intervarsity Christian Fellowship at UBC  
  • Chris Teo Operation Mobilization
  • David Gotts International China Concern        
  • Joanna Skucas University Christian Ministries at SFU 
  • Peter Quek Power 2 Change Leader Impact 

Global Workers (Cambodia)  

  • Brian Maher Mission Dove
  • Craig and Nay Greenfield Alongsiders
  • Kevin and Leakhena Knight Manna4Life  
  • Lynn Ogata Mission Dove  
  • Makara Un Mission Dove    
  • Ong Seila Mission Dove  
  • Raju Baghwat Great Commission Foundation  
  • Zak and Andrea Koftinoff Extreme Love  

Global Workers (Other) 

  • Jennifer Seo Ney Word Made Flesh, Sierra Leone  
  • Nabil and Marion Abdalla Every Nation MENA, Middle East & North Africa
  • Linda Tue OMF, Philippines  
  • Pete and Emily Johnson Racho El Camino, Mexico  
  • Shaun and Esther Liu Wycliffe, East Asia  
  • Tanya Lyons, Youth with a Mission Scotland  
  • Steve Ney IVES, Sierra Leone  
  • Tancho Baes Hectares of Hope, Philippines  
  • Zulfekar Kanani Global Harvest, Middle East