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Creation Care

We encourage responsible stewardship of the environment, promoting sustainable practices that care for all of God's creation.

At Tenth Church, we believe that being "with God and for others" extends to all of creation. Jesus calls us not only to care for our relationships with God and others but also to steward the earth, which He created and entrusted to us (Genesis 1:26-31; Colossians 1:15-20; Romans 8:19-23).

This means we seek to participate with Jesus in the restoration and care of creation. We are called to adopt a posture of humility, responsibility, and action as we care for the world around us—both in our local environments and globally—knowing that this is part of God’s redemptive plan for all things.

The biblical mandate for creation care continually opens our eyes to the ways we can live more sustainably and address environmental challenges like climate change, pollution, and resource depletion, which affect all people, especially the most vulnerable.

Join us here at Tenth as we journey together to become more aware, educated, and equipped to care for creation and work toward a future where all of God’s creation flourishes.


